We are all about Outdoor Adventures, Family and Food. As a family we want to encourage other families to find the time. We aren’t asking for hours, but minutes of your time to connect. We also know that we are living in 2018 where technology is the driving force of the future and there are a lot of benefits that come with it. Start by taking 20 minutes to spend with your family free of technology. For inspiration click on the titles of each section see what our family is up to.

Please subscribe to get email updates on all our adventures.

The boys put it best - “Everywhere we go we explore!”


Sawyer has been in the kitchen since he was a little boy. After coming up empty in our search for local classes we decided to start his own Home School Cooking Classes. We post lessons weekly. Head in to check them out.

Start cooking with your kids today!


Our family is always exploring the Pacific Northwest. We try to complete at least one major family hike a month with short outings weekly.

Click the title above to read our adventures.

Take the time to plan even a small family experience.


The Pacific Northwest is definitely not short on restaurants. Our family loves to explore new local eateries.

Be inspired, get out into your community and visit your local joint.


The boys say it best “Everywhere we go, we explore”. Over the years we have learned to make everyday an adventure and enjoy the little things. Your kids only get to be a child once and you have the power to make it memorable.

see what our family is up to and be motivated to create fun with your family.